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a recurring screening series at Bookends in Florence, showing a curated selection of lesbian and trans documentaries with a rotating series of beneficiaries.
- 03/01/2024 | Scent uVa Butch (Shoshana Rosenfeld, 1998, USA) && Gender Troublemakers (Jeanne B/Mirha Soleil-Ross and Xanthra Phillipa, 1993, Canada) | benefitting the Sexual Minorities Archives
- 03/18/2024 | Nitrate Kisses (Barbara Hammer, 1993, USA) && Dyke TV Episode 01 (1993, USA) | benefitting the Sexual Minorities Archives
- 04/15/2024 | A Day In The Life of A Bull-Dyke (Shawna Depsey and Lorri Millan, 1995, Canada) && BloodSisters: Leather, Dykes and Sadomasochism (Michelle Handleman, 1995, USA) | benefitting the Sexual Minorities Archives
- 04/29/2024 | Shinjuku Boys (Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams, 1995, Japan/UK) && Dream Girls (Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams, 1994, Japan/UK) | benefitting the Sexual Minorities Archives
- 06/10/2024 | Valerie (Joseph Horning, 1975, USA) && The Aggressives (Daniel Peddle, 2005, USA) | benefitting the Finder's Collective
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